Dinamika Services Inc.
 Business Software Consulting, Design, Implementation, and Training

Phone: 1.310.355.8534 | E-Mail Us  


"Best engineering design is as simple as possible but not simpler than neccessary.''

-Albert Einstein

In strict sense, programming is only one part of the overall software development process; however, we often use is as an overall synonym for making software.

What we do is Software Development Process that is made up of the following activities:

1. Gathering and Defining Solution’s Requirements
2. Writing Software Specifications.
3. Designing and Documenting Software Solution Architecture
4. Writing Computer Code (programming, testing, debugging)
5. End-User Testing & Feedback
6. Deploying solution to Production environment (desktop, server, network, web, mobile)
7. Writing Documentation (architecture, code, deployment, end user manuals, help system)
8. End-User Training (if help system and manuals are not in favor, we are also here to run courses)
9. Maintaining the Software (ongoing technical and customer support with choices of post-project software maintenance agreements)
10. Upgrading Software (functionality changes, new functionality, overall approach and solution to coping with change in the underlying business environment and the resulting change in software requirements. Change management can also be defined as part of our software maintenance agreement.)

We package these activities into agile development practices such as Scrum, Lean, and other. While we still maintain deadlines and milestones for our clients, internally we take advantage of benefits provided by agile software development practices.

We offer the above development activities in three flexible service packages:

a. Blueprint Services (Steps 1-3): Requirements, Specifications, Design. Most suitable for those seeking a high quality business solution with robust and solid overall architecture, but prefer to have the actual building of the software, and other subsequent activities in the software development lifecycle, done either by other vendors or by themselves.
b. Lifecycle Solutions (All Steps): Complete software development lifecycle package. This is a smart choice when a fully managed, turn-key, no hassle, rapid delivery software development and maintenance is required.
c. Implementation Services (Steps 4-9): Clients who already have a solid design and specifications (blueprint) are welcome to have the actual building, and all the following activities in the software development lifecycle, done by us. We excel in both the design and the implementation of software and can provide you with a strong local support.

See also, Solutions and Technologies pages for more on specific business solutions and latest technologies that we use for delivering highest quality products and solutions to our clients.
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